i reached in kl at exactly 11.32 pm on tuesday nite.. it was the last flight and we arrived half an hour early.. i realised i like the night flights.. barely anyone there and its easier to sleep.. then we got to the condo at say around 1 am i think.. and damie wasnt home! damie aka my brother incase u didnt noe. hahahaha.. so me and ju waited for him.. he got bck at around 2.30 i think.. den we sort of had a few shots of vodka and jd.. so we were kindda high den we wanted to play cluedo and taboo but it was just so damn complicated and we just didnt wanna think.. lol.. and we were laughing and eveerything.. it was fun.... i loveeeeeee my brother.. me ju and him are like the most compatible ones outta all of us definetly.. lol.. we didnt sleep till like 5 a.m.
the next morning.. we woke up at like 10,.. so technicaly only 5 hours of sleep.. my mum and dad went to go and see a ceremony.. so like 2 hours later after we just wanted to get ready to go to the curve and then guess who calls? my dad asking dame to show him the way to the damn house.. so its okay then.. i thought mayb after that wed just chow and go to the curve.. but ofcourse not.. we had to use the same car.. and we got kindda lost at damn cheras and then it took us like 1 hour + to find the damn house.. den we hafta wait at the house for them to go to the ceremony and it was like half an hour ++. and that house was so... ehh... "malay" and my aunt is such a pack rat. i mean she keeps everything! i so didnt enjoy that..i was so pissed of.. one precious day of shopping down the damn drain.
but oh well.. tomorrows a new day.. and my parents are going kedah so its just me ju and dame. we're gonna go to genting with sarah but my parents cant noe. muahahahah.. cant waitt.. oh well.. i have so many cool pics but cant upload em on my bro's pc..., when i get bck ill put in em .. so be patients homies :)
diana was here. xoxo.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Monday, 29 October 2007
one day till blast off.
omg omg omg omg!! im going kl tomorrow nite!! ahhhhhhhh! its such a weird feeling.. im like soo excited but like so damn nervous.. eeeee :s. lol.. okay watever lah.. as if ive never gone kl be4.. but i dunt know watta pack bah.. im scared i bring too much or bring too little.. thats wat i hate bout packing.. u never noe wat ur gonna need..
u noe.. i just realised.. i only have one week of school left.. and its so depressing! i dunt want school to be over.. wat about my friends? everyone seems to be going theyre seperate ways.. no more david!!! :'( no more jo, no more adam, no more ho! omggggggg.. im gonna miss em bahhh :( and all my classmates.. eddison? christopher? nick? wat if we arent in the same school nemore?? i love my classmates nowww.. the thought of having to go through it all again makes me sick.. i wish i was finished with school cos i clearly dont belong there.. and im gonna miss my friends.. im gonna miss daniel!! and barb.. and natasha and syu and fifi and sheila and muna and joyce and lynn too! .. god its so fucking sad :( i really dont think i can go through another year...
the only good thing bout school finishing is dat ill be going to kl soon.. but the bad thing bout that is the sooner i go to kl, the sooner i come back and the sooner pmr results are out. fuck. oh well.. gotta get over with it sooner or later.. i just hope i have a great time at kl before i have to die. lol.
i just wish sometimes u could just stop time.. i guess its true wat they say when u dont really realise wat u have till its almost gone.. ive had a really good year.. lots of ups and downs.. but overall... it was great.. theyres so many great ppl in my lifeee.. the thought of having to find new ppl just sucks.. life goes on.. and some where down the road we'll all find each other again and itll be as if we never left :)
as ta la vista miri for 5 days! ahhahaha.
u noe.. i just realised.. i only have one week of school left.. and its so depressing! i dunt want school to be over.. wat about my friends? everyone seems to be going theyre seperate ways.. no more david!!! :'( no more jo, no more adam, no more ho! omggggggg.. im gonna miss em bahhh :( and all my classmates.. eddison? christopher? nick? wat if we arent in the same school nemore?? i love my classmates nowww.. the thought of having to go through it all again makes me sick.. i wish i was finished with school cos i clearly dont belong there.. and im gonna miss my friends.. im gonna miss daniel!! and barb.. and natasha and syu and fifi and sheila and muna and joyce and lynn too! .. god its so fucking sad :( i really dont think i can go through another year...
the only good thing bout school finishing is dat ill be going to kl soon.. but the bad thing bout that is the sooner i go to kl, the sooner i come back and the sooner pmr results are out. fuck. oh well.. gotta get over with it sooner or later.. i just hope i have a great time at kl before i have to die. lol.
i just wish sometimes u could just stop time.. i guess its true wat they say when u dont really realise wat u have till its almost gone.. ive had a really good year.. lots of ups and downs.. but overall... it was great.. theyres so many great ppl in my lifeee.. the thought of having to find new ppl just sucks.. life goes on.. and some where down the road we'll all find each other again and itll be as if we never left :)
as ta la vista miri for 5 days! ahhahaha.
Saturday, 27 October 2007
well today.. was boring as usuall.. i got up at like 12.00 . and i had the weirdest dreams! i dreamt that steven died. lol.. and i was all sad cos apparently i went off somewhere then i came back and they told me he died.. weird bah! and he was burried in a cemetary which was next to sri mawar.. so god damn dumb. lol.. then i woke up and i was like thank god that was just a dream.. i dont know how id deal if it was true.. hahaha..
well i was sooo damn bored.. so i took pics of my self like the vain self that i am.. and i edited em.. hahaha.. and they turned out pretty sure.. no fancy2 stuff like.. just normal.. ahahhaha.
miriam came home today.. with khalid.. i missed em! shes so pregnant now.. god im gonna have a niece in like 3 months!! :D lol. cant wait to be an aunt.. soo cooll.. im going to this wedding tomorrow.. dont know watta wear tho.. hrmm...
well i was sooo damn bored.. so i took pics of my self like the vain self that i am.. and i edited em.. hahaha.. and they turned out pretty sure.. no fancy2 stuff like.. just normal.. ahahhaha.
u noe these past few days.. im starting to realise ppl for who they really are.. im realising that ppl dont actually like me as much as i thougth they did.. apparently some pppl dont like my attitude.. its really hard to tell who are ur real friends in a sea of fakers and liers.. thats the worse thing about humans.. they lie and theyre two faced.. and i must admit.. im guilty of being that way too. but it really hurts sometimes to find out someone who u thought was ur friend just suddenly doesnt wanna be ur friend nemore cos of something u done which u dunt even noe wat it is.. but watever.. i only have one thing to say to these so called friends
cos u noe what? i dunt care what u think. im happy with who i am and i noe that they are ppl out there who do love me for who i am. the bad and good. and honestly. its ur lost mother fuckers.
and here are the edited pics :D lol
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
soul-sucking day.
Rerfering to the title.. today has been a not so good day to be honest.. well most days lately arent so great anyways.. it was shit boring again! but even worse than yesterday.. we just sat in class all day.. but it was raining which is a plus... when i woke up it was raining real heavy and i just didnt wanna wake up.. hehhh... well mdm liew aka fossil made us help her in the library to do the stock check or some crap like dat.. at first it wasnt so bad.. it was a lot better than sitting in class newayss... but after a while it just got so tiring! i mean i was doing dat at 8 till 12... 4 hours man! if i never hafta arrange books ever again itll be too soon.. lol... then after that we didnt do nothing again.. hehh...
when i got home i just fell asleep straight away.. but i dunt know why.. ppl just love to call or msg me when im sleeping... but when im bored nobody calls me at all... bad timing much.. i think its a sign i shudnt sleep.. hahaah.. i think my bro called me but im not sure if it was a dream.. but im pretty sure it was real. hahaha..
now im bored.. my blogs are getting more boring every day... sorry bloggers! lol.
diana was here.. xoxo.
when i got home i just fell asleep straight away.. but i dunt know why.. ppl just love to call or msg me when im sleeping... but when im bored nobody calls me at all... bad timing much.. i think its a sign i shudnt sleep.. hahaah.. i think my bro called me but im not sure if it was a dream.. but im pretty sure it was real. hahaha..
now im bored.. my blogs are getting more boring every day... sorry bloggers! lol.
diana was here.. xoxo.
Take my hand, we'll do the impossible
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
hey bloggers...
Today we had that first aid crap.. wasnt that bad actually.. it was shit boring at first.. but then it got better.. we actually got to bandage each other.,. which was fun. lol. i was Dr. Diana ofcourse. and my nurses daniel and barb were crap :p LOL kidding guys.. it was fun... esp wrapping daniel up.. since he always manages to hurt himself. hahahah..
i dunt know why... but today i have a really short fuse.. my mum is like annoying the shit outta me today.. but i dunt realy think its her.. mayb its me? lol. wateverr... today is over... thank god.. i went to boulevard with my mum.. and ive never in my life wanted to go home from an outting... i just thought i looked like a big huge cow and i just wanted to go home so badly. lol.. im so never going out ever again.. till i get bck into shape.. lol.
well that pretty much it for today.. hehhh... tomorrows gonna be boring again.. since we're just gonna sit on our asses and do nothing.. but this time ill go prepared and im bringing my harry potter ( and yes ive decided to read the books again)
next weekk theyre actually planning to do these fucking ceramahs.. and imean the whole week the whole day!!! imagine listening to all those fucking ceramahs bout form 4?! damn.. but good thing i wont even hafta imagine.. cos i aint going :D thank god im going to kl on tuesday... i guess its jodoh that my cousin is getting married :p hahahhh.. id just die if i had to listen to that crap.. like seriousllyy... hehehehehhe.. k thats pretty much it for today.. see ya bloggers tomorrow. as ta la vista babeh.. xoxox.
Today we had that first aid crap.. wasnt that bad actually.. it was shit boring at first.. but then it got better.. we actually got to bandage each other.,. which was fun. lol. i was Dr. Diana ofcourse. and my nurses daniel and barb were crap :p LOL kidding guys.. it was fun... esp wrapping daniel up.. since he always manages to hurt himself. hahahah..
i dunt know why... but today i have a really short fuse.. my mum is like annoying the shit outta me today.. but i dunt realy think its her.. mayb its me? lol. wateverr... today is over... thank god.. i went to boulevard with my mum.. and ive never in my life wanted to go home from an outting... i just thought i looked like a big huge cow and i just wanted to go home so badly. lol.. im so never going out ever again.. till i get bck into shape.. lol.
well that pretty much it for today.. hehhh... tomorrows gonna be boring again.. since we're just gonna sit on our asses and do nothing.. but this time ill go prepared and im bringing my harry potter ( and yes ive decided to read the books again)
next weekk theyre actually planning to do these fucking ceramahs.. and imean the whole week the whole day!!! imagine listening to all those fucking ceramahs bout form 4?! damn.. but good thing i wont even hafta imagine.. cos i aint going :D thank god im going to kl on tuesday... i guess its jodoh that my cousin is getting married :p hahahhh.. id just die if i had to listen to that crap.. like seriousllyy... hehehehehhe.. k thats pretty much it for today.. see ya bloggers tomorrow. as ta la vista babeh.. xoxox.
Monday, 22 October 2007
Days drag on and on
its monday.. the begining of boring days all over again.. today school was crap.. we didnt fcking do anything.. we just sat there all day.. only one teacher actually came in the class for god sakes.. and the one dat did actually tried to make us read form 4 sejarah. like please. i didnt read sejarah since form 1 till form 3 and i sure as hell aint gonna start now. atleast there wasnt assembly. if they make me cut my nails im gonna fucking kick their asses. my nails are all long and prettyyyyy :D lol. but it wasnt all bad lah.. we kindda had fun towards the end.. we were playing interview and syu was god damn funny but i wont get into details.. hahahaha.
the other night.. i finished my harry potter. god!! when i finished it.. i just felt so empty inside for some weird reason... but than i always feel that way when i finish reading any harry potter books. why must it end?! why?! its such a great story.. i want more!!! i wanna noe how his life is after.. and i noe u must think i sound like such a lame ass but that book is seriously good. i lovee it soo much.. im even gonna read it from book 1 till fin. lol its not like i have anything better to do! and now i realise something bout myself.. i love stories bout like magic and another world kindda thing.. i love the thought of something more out there somewhere.. i noe its stupid.. but a girl can dream. Dreams are really all i have now. lol. and i love the guy, the "chosen one" that sacrifices everything, u noe the selflesss one.. the brave and everything.. i love that.. i like to think that theyre really are ppl like that in the world and it isnt all just fiction. :) and once again i give props to J.K. Rowling. damn ur one damn smart woman. lol
today.. im kindda depressed.. i got this email from friendster.. u noe the notifications.. and it said this one person sent me a message.. and i thought it was anohter person.. ahahah.. its kindda hard to explain when theyre no names here.. confidentiallity issues. lol. well in the end it wasnt the person i thought it was.. i was all excited and everything.. the truth is this person and i havent spoken in a very long time.. and we use to be best friends.. and i honestly thought it would be forever.. but guess not.. and now we pass eash other as if we dont even noe each other.. and we've known each other for some time now and it seems like such a waste to throw it all away for some other person.. i wanna say im sorry and that i want things to go back as they were but i dont think its that easy nemore.. we've done that like millions of times.. mayb that persons priorities have just changed and im not in it.. if that person happened to just come up and say sorry now id accept it no questions asked.. but that is obviously not gonna happen.. if ur reading this. u noe who u are.. and mayb one day we'll be friends again but who noes?
enough with that.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. im trying to realease my anger in a postivie way.. yeah i have some issues. lol. oh well.. tomorrows a new day.. hopefull itll be better.. cos we're gonna learn first aid and they said its really fun.. i hope so.. i just wish everyone would just lay off me for one second! ahahahha.. watever.. okay i think ive poured enough of my soul in here for one day.. and ppl reading this.. i noe it might look like im a lil physco and emotional but im really quite stabil. dont judge! ahahahha.. till next time.. diana was here. xoxo. :)
the other night.. i finished my harry potter. god!! when i finished it.. i just felt so empty inside for some weird reason... but than i always feel that way when i finish reading any harry potter books. why must it end?! why?! its such a great story.. i want more!!! i wanna noe how his life is after.. and i noe u must think i sound like such a lame ass but that book is seriously good. i lovee it soo much.. im even gonna read it from book 1 till fin. lol its not like i have anything better to do! and now i realise something bout myself.. i love stories bout like magic and another world kindda thing.. i love the thought of something more out there somewhere.. i noe its stupid.. but a girl can dream. Dreams are really all i have now. lol. and i love the guy, the "chosen one" that sacrifices everything, u noe the selflesss one.. the brave and everything.. i love that.. i like to think that theyre really are ppl like that in the world and it isnt all just fiction. :) and once again i give props to J.K. Rowling. damn ur one damn smart woman. lol
today.. im kindda depressed.. i got this email from friendster.. u noe the notifications.. and it said this one person sent me a message.. and i thought it was anohter person.. ahahah.. its kindda hard to explain when theyre no names here.. confidentiallity issues. lol. well in the end it wasnt the person i thought it was.. i was all excited and everything.. the truth is this person and i havent spoken in a very long time.. and we use to be best friends.. and i honestly thought it would be forever.. but guess not.. and now we pass eash other as if we dont even noe each other.. and we've known each other for some time now and it seems like such a waste to throw it all away for some other person.. i wanna say im sorry and that i want things to go back as they were but i dont think its that easy nemore.. we've done that like millions of times.. mayb that persons priorities have just changed and im not in it.. if that person happened to just come up and say sorry now id accept it no questions asked.. but that is obviously not gonna happen.. if ur reading this. u noe who u are.. and mayb one day we'll be friends again but who noes?
enough with that.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. im trying to realease my anger in a postivie way.. yeah i have some issues. lol. oh well.. tomorrows a new day.. hopefull itll be better.. cos we're gonna learn first aid and they said its really fun.. i hope so.. i just wish everyone would just lay off me for one second! ahahahha.. watever.. okay i think ive poured enough of my soul in here for one day.. and ppl reading this.. i noe it might look like im a lil physco and emotional but im really quite stabil. dont judge! ahahahha.. till next time.. diana was here. xoxo. :)
Thursday, 18 October 2007
thursday. harry potter madness.
it wednesday. 2231 hours. lol. and i pretty much did exactly wat i did yesterday. sit on my ass and stuff my face. hahaha. and the worst thing is im too damn lazy to do anything. and that "diet" i was suppose to go on today. it didnt happen. lol. its just tooo damn hard to diet when ur so fucking bored.
since ive been so bored lately. ive gotten back into harry potter again. hence the title of this blog. and yeah u might think its dorky and watever but its really cool. i gotta give props to J.K. Rowling. i mean how did she create all dat? outta nothing? it amazes me. shes such a creative person. would loveeee to meet her someday. i wish i had an imagination like that. and her books are just sooo amazing. i mean i honestly feel touched at her characters. i mean like how theyre so brave and kind and everything. damn i sound like a bad book critic. but seriously. shes amazing. ive been having harry potter movie marathons for the last two days. and yes ive watched all five already. and i hafta say the 3rd one was my favourite. i love daniel radclife. he is FINE. lol. i love harry potter. sometimes i wish that world was real. how cool would dat be.. damn.. im halfway reading the 7th book. dats how bored i am ppl. and i cant believe wats happened already! but i wont mention it here. wouldnt wanna spoil it for other ppl who havent read it yet :p

i was watching scrub this now. and i love how they always have these "moral of the story" at the end. like greys. its so inspirational bah.. and it sounds so cool and all. like honourable. love dat part. those writers are really.. just amazing i really admire writers these days. i mean it takes a really intelligent person to write the things they writer. gotta give em props! ;) well im just gonna continue reading my harry potter and fall deeper and deeper into my thoughts. lol till next time. im gonna be updating my old post with new pictures. *just found em* diana was here. bye :D
since ive been so bored lately. ive gotten back into harry potter again. hence the title of this blog. and yeah u might think its dorky and watever but its really cool. i gotta give props to J.K. Rowling. i mean how did she create all dat? outta nothing? it amazes me. shes such a creative person. would loveeee to meet her someday. i wish i had an imagination like that. and her books are just sooo amazing. i mean i honestly feel touched at her characters. i mean like how theyre so brave and kind and everything. damn i sound like a bad book critic. but seriously. shes amazing. ive been having harry potter movie marathons for the last two days. and yes ive watched all five already. and i hafta say the 3rd one was my favourite. i love daniel radclife. he is FINE. lol. i love harry potter. sometimes i wish that world was real. how cool would dat be.. damn.. im halfway reading the 7th book. dats how bored i am ppl. and i cant believe wats happened already! but i wont mention it here. wouldnt wanna spoil it for other ppl who havent read it yet :p

i was watching scrub this now. and i love how they always have these "moral of the story" at the end. like greys. its so inspirational bah.. and it sounds so cool and all. like honourable. love dat part. those writers are really.. just amazing i really admire writers these days. i mean it takes a really intelligent person to write the things they writer. gotta give em props! ;) well im just gonna continue reading my harry potter and fall deeper and deeper into my thoughts. lol till next time. im gonna be updating my old post with new pictures. *just found em* diana was here. bye :D
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
hey bloggers. hahha.. bored once again... its 10.13 now. and nothings on again. and noones on9 too! just great.. i sooo think everyones at a party which i was not invited to. damn bastards. lol. hahahha. watever.. im just gona blog. which is like more fun than any party anyway. yeah not really.. sarahs going home tomorroww!! :'( fuck bah.. wat am i gonna do now??? back to my boring old life.. atleast ill stop eating.. i hope lah.. once u start its just hard to stop.
Now lets talk bout my last two days.. since i didnt blog last nite. lol. after i was bored as hell the whole damn day... sarah came home and we went for dinner. we went to sea horse. the mee goreng was fucking good. we actually tapaued one more to eat at home. yeah i noe we're pigs. lol. and on the way home rite.. there were this big huge group of malay guys wearing baju melayu on bicycles cycling.. hahahahhaha! and we got stuck behind em.. they were all scared and trying to cycle faster.. there were like 30 of em i swear! hahahaha.. we were laughing our asses off.. we took a pic but im not sure where it is.. dat was damn funny.. but im not sure why.. den we came home and did wat im doing now. lol
then today.. was just normal.. we went out at like 4 just to jalan2. everyone had a stick up their ass cos we're all "Fat" lol. so i had to blanja sarah coffee bean so she would be happy again but now i realise that caramel ice blended gives me a headache! :( dat was my fav drink.. heh... but before that. i got my belly button repirced!!! :D i noe finally.. it was just a spear of the moment kindda thing.. i pierced my ear too. after i did it i realised how damn stupid i am to pierce my belly button and ear at the same time.. it hurt like fucking shit afterwords. i forgot how much piercing hurts.. and the weird thing is now i feel nothing.. like im not all happy like i thought i would be.. oh well.. i guess im just a lil nervous if my parents find out since my mum noes bout julias one but she doesnt mind so much.. just my dad :S oh well.. ill cross that bridge when i come to it.. im getting a nose ring next.. but im not sure tho.. cos i see ppl with it and it dont look so good on em.. mayb its cos theyre noses isnt sharp. im sure my nose would look good with it.. apakahhhhhhh.. LOL. but my parents would kill me so i hafta do it when i go to kl in november. yeah i noe "rebel" lol. den we went to dinner and i ate like a pig as always.. i am sooooo going on a diet starting tomorroww!! or mayb thursday.. see how i feell.. i have NO WILL POWER.
Now lets talk bout my last two days.. since i didnt blog last nite. lol. after i was bored as hell the whole damn day... sarah came home and we went for dinner. we went to sea horse. the mee goreng was fucking good. we actually tapaued one more to eat at home. yeah i noe we're pigs. lol. and on the way home rite.. there were this big huge group of malay guys wearing baju melayu on bicycles cycling.. hahahahhaha! and we got stuck behind em.. they were all scared and trying to cycle faster.. there were like 30 of em i swear! hahahaha.. we were laughing our asses off.. we took a pic but im not sure where it is.. dat was damn funny.. but im not sure why.. den we came home and did wat im doing now. lol
then today.. was just normal.. we went out at like 4 just to jalan2. everyone had a stick up their ass cos we're all "Fat" lol. so i had to blanja sarah coffee bean so she would be happy again but now i realise that caramel ice blended gives me a headache! :( dat was my fav drink.. heh... but before that. i got my belly button repirced!!! :D i noe finally.. it was just a spear of the moment kindda thing.. i pierced my ear too. after i did it i realised how damn stupid i am to pierce my belly button and ear at the same time.. it hurt like fucking shit afterwords. i forgot how much piercing hurts.. and the weird thing is now i feel nothing.. like im not all happy like i thought i would be.. oh well.. i guess im just a lil nervous if my parents find out since my mum noes bout julias one but she doesnt mind so much.. just my dad :S oh well.. ill cross that bridge when i come to it.. im getting a nose ring next.. but im not sure tho.. cos i see ppl with it and it dont look so good on em.. mayb its cos theyre noses isnt sharp. im sure my nose would look good with it.. apakahhhhhhh.. LOL. but my parents would kill me so i hafta do it when i go to kl in november. yeah i noe "rebel" lol. den we went to dinner and i ate like a pig as always.. i am sooooo going on a diet starting tomorroww!! or mayb thursday.. see how i feell.. i have NO WILL POWER.
my ear. the top one is new. i wanna fill my whole ear with ear rings. LOL
second attempt at piercing.. isnt the ring pretty?? :D loves it.. they even asked where i got it from.. my lovely brother got it for me. hopefully itll be my last time piercing. cos it fucking hurt!
hahahha.. thats pretty much all i did today.. sarahs going homee.. :'( blog. prepare to get a whole LOT boring now.. oh well.. itll be fun again in november. i promiseeeeeeee :D till next time. diana was here. mwahx.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
its monday. im sitting on my ass infront of the tv while blogging. im bored as hell. material girls is on. but i watched it already and theres nothing on. hrmmm... im tired. i woke up at like 7.30 to send miriam to the airport but i dunt wanna sleep tho.. i dunt feel like it. i wonder what im doing today... prob just sitting on my big fat ass all day. damn im getting fat. and its all rayas fault! damn those kelupis and rendang. damn pizza hut! damn raya kuih. damn it alll!! yeah im just crapping. im so boredd... fuckkkkkkk!!. but im like bored but dunt wanna do anything u noe wat i mean? sheessshhhhhh.. i guess im just gonna go and look around at facebook or something like dat.. welcome to the boring life of diana.. hehhh...
Saturday, 13 October 2007
raya :D
its raya people! gosh finally.. damn that was fast.. hahaha.. the first day is finnally over.. its been a damn hectic day! haha. lots of drama.. well it wouldnt be raya without the drama rite? we took loads of family pics today. ahahha. its kindda weird since we never usually do dat.
well first of all.. lynn came over.. at like 11.30. den we went to ameers house first. and we met damiens friend. its weird how everyone knows us as damien and miriams lil sisters. hahaha. then we went to parkson and boulevard to buy ju and sarahs new wallets. which is her birthday present.. ahhaha. i noe im such a good sis. den we had to race back. cos we thought hairul and azif were at the house alreayd. but we eneded up coming home before em! damn bah.. al that rushing for nothing. hahaha.
it was fun to hang out with em.. i really missed hairul. i lovee spending time with hairul and azif. even shafiq too. lol. i loveeeeee hairul. eventho hes an asss hole.. but still . u gotta love him. lol. then we just talked and watched tv and they went home at 5.30 ish. they walked.. poor guysss. lol


after that. we just sort of relaxed a lil. we wanted to go syafiqs house. but it was all so complicated cos we werent sure wat time to go. ahahah. and i was like so confused on which baju i was gonna wear. susah bah.. we finally went at like 8. haha. azif, jerome, hairul, zharif and jasmine were there. me azif and hairul were all wearing black so we matched :D it was fun too. we just sort of sat around laughing and stuff.. syafiq and azif kept mak rempiting. esp syafiq. so berlagak bah him :P lol kidding sya. i realised how much fun i have with my friends :) gosh i love em to death. syafiq is so mean! ahahah. he wouldnt say he loves me. u noe u do syafiqq. even tho u wont admit it i noe u do. lol. then we went home at like 10 cos lynn had to go back. which was kindda good too. i wouldnt wanna be the last one there bah. lol.
i guess thats it for today.. ahahhaha. it waas a good day overall tho. a good raya this year. tomorrow can only be bettr! but it sucks cos im like so fucking fat now.. damn bah. im like afat cow. i keep eating. i got to stop eating!! lol. okay then ppl. im soo damn tired. till next time. diana was here. Selamat hari raya ppl! =D
Thursday, 11 October 2007
hey bloggers. haha. its thursday! and raya isnt tomorrow.. huhu. its on saturday. which i knew it woul d be! heh. told ya

so thats just some of em. im too lazy to put the rest. ahhahaa. well i have nothing esle to say. just wait till raya! im gonna have even more cooler pictures. lol. cant wait!! :D lol. till next time. dyana was here. mwahx. xoxo.
okay lets see.. i didnt go to school today. and i didnt wake up till like 12.30 wwhich is pretty much the same time i would be coming home from school. lol. first me ju and sarah went to cut our hair at michaels. and we met kazlan and syafiq there! i mean how weird is that. never thought id meet them at a hair saloon. ahahha. so we were there till like 3 something. and the miracle man did my hair again. gosh i love him! he has the softest hands everrrr... and he cuts hair like a god. lovesss him! im so never gonna let anyone cut my hair but him. lol. see the end results! :
told you he was a god with scissors. lol. then after that we went to boulevard.. nothing special.. oh yeah. i bought shoes! i love my shoes.. theyre so hot.. and then we came home.. and just waited to eat. eventho i didnt fast today *shessshh* lol but still i was hungry since i couldnt eat at home.. then me sarah and ju went out.. we wanted to go to parkson. but it was like so fucking full.. no parking at all! parkson is so dumb. its already small enough and they went and closed all the parking spaces. dumb asses. so we had to go to mall instead. we didnt buy nothing since we were damn broke.
since we were broke we decided to go somewhere that didnt cost money so we went to boat club ofcourse. lol. we had a snack. the chicken wings there are damn good. seriously they are!
then we took loads of dumb pictures! ahahah. which was fun. since my blog is so damn boring. im gonna put em all in here :D
so thats just some of em. im too lazy to put the rest. ahhahaa. well i have nothing esle to say. just wait till raya! im gonna have even more cooler pictures. lol. cant wait!! :D lol. till next time. dyana was here. mwahx. xoxo.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
hahaha. well its tuesday. finally. its kindda weird that pmr was only 4 days ago. seems like forever.. and its so damn stupid cos i have to still go to school eventho we clearly dont need to nemore. just complete waste of perfect time.
and we had to do this no apologies thing. it was crap. all about sex education and abstinence. i mean they think that theyre giving us info so we dunt do it but actually theyre putting ideas in our heads. some of us actually werent thinking bout that crap anyway. but now that theyre all talking bout it ofcourse we're gonna think bout it rite? and they made us sign these stupid pledge cards so we dunt have sex till mariage. yeah like anyones gonna remember those stupid cards 5 years from now..
but atleast its over. gosh im so sleep deprived. i dunt wanna go to school tomorrow. its not like we're doing anything neway. boring bah. and we're just gonan be sitting in class like idiots. i wonder what subjects i got. i know i got KH but thats okay cos mr wong prob let us see movies.. and i noe i got sc.. math.. fuck. i have english. damn... errm.. wat else? oh yeah i got siviks and pj. yeay dats gonna be loads of fun. heh . yeah rite. well atleast i can see my dearest Dr. Sim tomorrow :D my fav dentist in the whole damn world. loves him. and sarahs coming home! and we're gonna go makan nasi lemak near cb there. hehehehe. cant wait.
okay people. i need to find a name for my unborn niece :D but it hasta be like arab and islam name. susah bah wanan carik dat.. anythings gotta be beter than sabrina rite?? lol. well if u got any suggestion feel free to share :D
i guess thats it for tonite. i cant wait till the day is over and tomorrow is here. i hope i aint sleep deprived tomorrow cos i had quite a good sleep this afternoon. lol. okay then people. till next time. diana was here :D
here some cool quotes from that no apologise things
"Love waits, Lust wants. Love can't wait to give what is true and honorable. Lust can't wait to take. Love mends. Lust hurts. Love is secure. Lust is selfish. Lust ends. Love lasts. " - joe white.
"Freedom is not doing everything you feel like doing when you feel like doing it. Freedom is choosing today what will give you more of what you want tomorrow"
and remember people. live with no apologies! LOL. lame much.
and we had to do this no apologies thing. it was crap. all about sex education and abstinence. i mean they think that theyre giving us info so we dunt do it but actually theyre putting ideas in our heads. some of us actually werent thinking bout that crap anyway. but now that theyre all talking bout it ofcourse we're gonna think bout it rite? and they made us sign these stupid pledge cards so we dunt have sex till mariage. yeah like anyones gonna remember those stupid cards 5 years from now..
but atleast its over. gosh im so sleep deprived. i dunt wanna go to school tomorrow. its not like we're doing anything neway. boring bah. and we're just gonan be sitting in class like idiots. i wonder what subjects i got. i know i got KH but thats okay cos mr wong prob let us see movies.. and i noe i got sc.. math.. fuck. i have english. damn... errm.. wat else? oh yeah i got siviks and pj. yeay dats gonna be loads of fun. heh . yeah rite. well atleast i can see my dearest Dr. Sim tomorrow :D my fav dentist in the whole damn world. loves him. and sarahs coming home! and we're gonna go makan nasi lemak near cb there. hehehehe. cant wait.
okay people. i need to find a name for my unborn niece :D but it hasta be like arab and islam name. susah bah wanan carik dat.. anythings gotta be beter than sabrina rite?? lol. well if u got any suggestion feel free to share :D
i guess thats it for tonite. i cant wait till the day is over and tomorrow is here. i hope i aint sleep deprived tomorrow cos i had quite a good sleep this afternoon. lol. okay then people. till next time. diana was here :D
here some cool quotes from that no apologise things
"Love waits, Lust wants. Love can't wait to give what is true and honorable. Lust can't wait to take. Love mends. Lust hurts. Love is secure. Lust is selfish. Lust ends. Love lasts. " - joe white.
"Freedom is not doing everything you feel like doing when you feel like doing it. Freedom is choosing today what will give you more of what you want tomorrow"
and remember people. live with no apologies! LOL. lame much.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
another sunday nite
hrmm.. another depressing nite. heh. lol.
0 days till miriam comes back
3 days till sarah comes back
6 days till raya
u noe wat? scratch everything i said last nite. cos u noe wat? i dunt careeeeee anymore. hahaha. he doesnt wanan talk to me fine.. im glad hes moving on. even if he has a new girlfriend now i wish them all the best. and i mean that from the bottom of my heart :) im definetly not gonna be one of those bitter ex girlfriends. and im totally over it already. i might not have anyone right now. but i dunt want anyonee either. im happy being single and freee. im just gonna wait for my mr right. hes gonna come to me and i sure as hell aint gonna go get him. LOL
okay enough bout that.. miriams back. and she got me a baju raya. damn its hot! red :D aahaha. its damn hot. i lovesss it. lot better than the one i got for myself. lol.
tomorrow is dat damn no apologies crap. and those fuckers didnt even mention anything to us. like the time or anything. do they expect us to read minds or somehting? like damn ass holes. i hate that fucking school. theyre all so fucking dumb. heh. oh watever. ill be gone soon neways. 2 more years. i think i can survive. lol. hrmm.. i really wonder if he has a new girlfriend.. not that i care or nothing.. just curious. lol.
wwell gots to go. got important stuff to do *yeah rite* hahaha. till next time. mwahx.
"when everything is wrong, just movee along move along"
0 days till miriam comes back
3 days till sarah comes back
6 days till raya
u noe wat? scratch everything i said last nite. cos u noe wat? i dunt careeeeee anymore. hahaha. he doesnt wanan talk to me fine.. im glad hes moving on. even if he has a new girlfriend now i wish them all the best. and i mean that from the bottom of my heart :) im definetly not gonna be one of those bitter ex girlfriends. and im totally over it already. i might not have anyone right now. but i dunt want anyonee either. im happy being single and freee. im just gonna wait for my mr right. hes gonna come to me and i sure as hell aint gonna go get him. LOL
okay enough bout that.. miriams back. and she got me a baju raya. damn its hot! red :D aahaha. its damn hot. i lovesss it. lot better than the one i got for myself. lol.
tomorrow is dat damn no apologies crap. and those fuckers didnt even mention anything to us. like the time or anything. do they expect us to read minds or somehting? like damn ass holes. i hate that fucking school. theyre all so fucking dumb. heh. oh watever. ill be gone soon neways. 2 more years. i think i can survive. lol. hrmm.. i really wonder if he has a new girlfriend.. not that i care or nothing.. just curious. lol.
wwell gots to go. got important stuff to do *yeah rite* hahaha. till next time. mwahx.
"when everything is wrong, just movee along move along"
Saturday, 6 October 2007
hrm... today well kindda sucks to be honest..
we went out.. and dat was fun. i saw some people. but not the person i wanted to see.,..
where is he? hrm...
i dunt know why. but im feeling kindda lonely. LOL. mayb im just bored. gosh i miss him. hahahah. its kinda weird dat he hasnt even msged me or anything. mayb he hates me? or mayb im just being paranoid. yeah dats prob it. hahaha. im so lame. its times like this i wish i still had someone to talk to :(
well wateverrr.. life goess on.. i dunt need a boyfriend. hahaha. i wonder wat im gonna do tomorrow. prob the same thing. i dunt get why im so damn bored all the time. i shud be having fun. but den again my life sucks. god i just wanna talk to him!! hahahahha. but im not going to. i gotta jual mahal. lol. hrmm.... my life really does suck . really really does suck... oh well.. wat u gonna do rite? u get wat ur given.
well i dunt know wat else to say. i guess ill fill u in tomorrow. nyte people. as ta la vista baby.
we went out.. and dat was fun. i saw some people. but not the person i wanted to see.,..
where is he? hrm...
i dunt know why. but im feeling kindda lonely. LOL. mayb im just bored. gosh i miss him. hahahah. its kinda weird dat he hasnt even msged me or anything. mayb he hates me? or mayb im just being paranoid. yeah dats prob it. hahaha. im so lame. its times like this i wish i still had someone to talk to :(
well wateverrr.. life goess on.. i dunt need a boyfriend. hahaha. i wonder wat im gonna do tomorrow. prob the same thing. i dunt get why im so damn bored all the time. i shud be having fun. but den again my life sucks. god i just wanna talk to him!! hahahahha. but im not going to. i gotta jual mahal. lol. hrmm.... my life really does suck . really really does suck... oh well.. wat u gonna do rite? u get wat ur given.
well i dunt know wat else to say. i guess ill fill u in tomorrow. nyte people. as ta la vista baby.
Friday, 5 October 2007
heyy!! now baby im back. its over. im free.. and its weird! life is a bout to get very interesting ppl. :)
0 days till its all over
1 and a half days till miriam comes home
5 days till sarah comes home
8 days till raya
well i gotta say. its bitter sweet.. its weird how something that uve been talking bout for so long is finnally over and u realise it wasnt such a big deal.
its kindda weird too cos its like we're all one step closer to growing up. its like this time next year im gonna be 16! can u believe that. 16. wow.
oh well enough with that. i have finally discovered the greatness of youtube. i cant believe ive been living in darkness for all this time. its the most awesome damn video place ever. not lagging at all! so damn cool. ahaahah. sakai
im finally going out tomorrow. i havent been out so long i forgot wat its like. im gonna get my ear pierced and mayb my belly button too but im not sure tho. mayb ill just wait till sarah comes back lah. hehehhe. okay i dunt know wat else to say. im bored now. damn! i shud be out partying . wtf. i really need to get new friends! lol. kiding guys :p well im outta ere. till next time. diana was here. mwahx.
0 days till its all over
1 and a half days till miriam comes home
5 days till sarah comes home
8 days till raya
well i gotta say. its bitter sweet.. its weird how something that uve been talking bout for so long is finnally over and u realise it wasnt such a big deal.
its kindda weird too cos its like we're all one step closer to growing up. its like this time next year im gonna be 16! can u believe that. 16. wow.
oh well enough with that. i have finally discovered the greatness of youtube. i cant believe ive been living in darkness for all this time. its the most awesome damn video place ever. not lagging at all! so damn cool. ahaahah. sakai
im finally going out tomorrow. i havent been out so long i forgot wat its like. im gonna get my ear pierced and mayb my belly button too but im not sure tho. mayb ill just wait till sarah comes back lah. hehehhe. okay i dunt know wat else to say. im bored now. damn! i shud be out partying . wtf. i really need to get new friends! lol. kiding guys :p well im outta ere. till next time. diana was here. mwahx.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
hey bloggers. baby im back! well not really yet. but one more day. hahaha
its 10.11 and i just and i just got back frm school. heh.. start countdowns.
- 1 day till its all over
-2 days before miriam comes back
-5 days till sarah comes back
- 9 days till raya
-56 days till im in kl
god! pmr is almost over. i dunt know. it feels weird that i dunt hafta study the rest of the year. its kindda scary. like the closer this finishes the closer i am to getting the results.lol and i totally fucked it up btw. im thinking only 2As but we'll seee. hahaha. well i dunt have much to saw. im just tried. ive never studied this hard in my whole fucking life and its really taking its toll on me. i feel so drained! ive lost my desire to live. ahahhaha. okay mayb not. but it feels dat way. well its gonna be over soon. one last paper. one last paper pp! and one last chance to save my results. oh well.. i dunt fucking care!! hahahahaha. ok well dats it i guess. ill see u tomorow! when my life starts getting interesting ;)
till next time. diana was here. mwahx.
ivee been around the world, ive seen it all
ive been around the world, cause the wind will always rise and fall
ive been around the world, and i wanted to see
im the only girl all surrounded by mistery.
aqua - around the world. its stuck in my head! ( i noe its lame so bite me)
its 10.11 and i just and i just got back frm school. heh.. start countdowns.
- 1 day till its all over
-2 days before miriam comes back
-5 days till sarah comes back
- 9 days till raya
-56 days till im in kl
god! pmr is almost over. i dunt know. it feels weird that i dunt hafta study the rest of the year. its kindda scary. like the closer this finishes the closer i am to getting the results.lol and i totally fucked it up btw. im thinking only 2As but we'll seee. hahaha. well i dunt have much to saw. im just tried. ive never studied this hard in my whole fucking life and its really taking its toll on me. i feel so drained! ive lost my desire to live. ahahhaha. okay mayb not. but it feels dat way. well its gonna be over soon. one last paper. one last paper pp! and one last chance to save my results. oh well.. i dunt fucking care!! hahahahaha. ok well dats it i guess. ill see u tomorow! when my life starts getting interesting ;)
till next time. diana was here. mwahx.
ivee been around the world, ive seen it all
ive been around the world, cause the wind will always rise and fall
ive been around the world, and i wanted to see
im the only girl all surrounded by mistery.
aqua - around the world. its stuck in my head! ( i noe its lame so bite me)
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