hey bloggers!
omg. ive had the best damn week ever! like SERIOUSLY
at first it started bad. cos like monday and tuesday werent so good.
they werent bad lah. but they just werent that great
but then on thursday! hrmmm..
there was this beatle that crawled on my leg which was pretty traumatizing
cos i just so hate beatles. they really freak me out.
den i thought sure that days gonna be horrible cos it went off to a bad start
but then! hrmmm..
Tan mee lan was reading out the positions rite
and i was like sure she wont say my name yet. so i was like not paying attenting.
den she was just going on and on
den i heard her say "so i guess number 3 will be Diana"
and i like totally stopped in my tracks. and looked at barb and was like.
omfg did she just say my namee?? and barb was just as shcoked as me and was like damn right she said ur name. den she said barb got number 5. so we had a little scream. i was so excited bah! i mean that has never ever happened to me before. i mean ive never even got top 10 bah!! and suddenly number three.. like wow. den on friday we got our interact shirts. which totally look awesome btw. den tan mee lan said there was a change in the positions. and lucky enough.
ur looking at ur second best in 4e2 rite here!! hahahah. and u noe. im pretty smart if i do say so myself. and i dont care if u think im bragging or watever. but i think thats a pretty good achievement and im pretty damn proud of myself. and i like told my parents. and they were totally estatic bout it!
i was totally surprised too. they were so happy and so proud of me and shit.
i didnt think theyd be so happy bout it. they gave me a card and everything. like i was touched.
then i talked to steven.. and he said he was proud of mee.. awhhhh... that meant alot to know he was.. and yeah. he made my day obviously
so yeah.. pretty much had a great week. hopefully itll just get better =D hahaha.
well thats it for now. ill blog when i have better news *fingers crossed*
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Thursday, 20 March 2008
walking down memory lane.
hey fellow bloggers.
its 1.22 a.m. and once again, another sleepless night
its 1.22 a.m. and once again, another sleepless night
i mean seriously, wtf is going on here? i think i have insomnia or
something like that.
i havent been sleeping at night for agesss..
its like theres too much things going on in my head that i cant fall asleep
isnt it ironic how the time i decide to actually think is at the time im trying to sleep. haha. oh well.
i'm not quite sure why. but ive suddenly had these random flashbacks
from years and years ago. well mayb not years and years ago. pretty much since when i was 13 since i barely remmeber anything before that. its like life started aT 13. Hahahah. i mean. its weird. how time just passes you by like that.
like one second uve just started high school and with one blink of an eye your 16
and learning addmaths and chem. like wtf? lol. i remember being 13 like it was yesterday. not a very good year for me. ya noe. the whole "finding myself" thing.
i really didnt know where i belonged. and god knows all the phases i went
through. but when i turned 14 things got a lot more clear. 2006 brought alot of good things actually. me barb and sarah. we had sooooo much good times. and BARB i know ur reading this. since u just loveeee reading my blog. lol.
remember when i brought my radio to school. and sarah brought her phone and
we like requested " kiss me" by six pence non the richer. cos it was like stuck in our heads for like ages! hahahah. and we were singing along at the back and cikgu rahmawati thought we were crazy. actually everyone thought we were crazy. hahaha. good times. and i remember when we were the "BDS" all girl band. ahhahah. and our hit single was "i cant live" and we'd sing it like everyday. omg! ahahahha. we were so gay. but i loved it. we were crazy and did alot of stupid things but ya noe thanks to that i am who i am today. hahah
and in 2006 i met steven :) awwwhh.. i had the biggest crush on him. almost stalker like. well some ppl call it stalking i call it love. hahahah. and he totally didnt even know of my existance! which was totally devastating. being the naive adolescent that i was back then, i wanted to die. haha. and then came that faithful day when everything changed. free2be. he finally realised i was aliveee.. and the rest as they say is history. and now. two years later and i still love him. if someone would have told me that everything that happened happened two years ago i would have never believe it. hahaha. now, thinking bout everything that i did, i was so gay! ahhahaha.
ive just been looking through old photos. and i was so like ew! my hair was terrible. my clothes were terrible! everything was terrible. well not everything. but pretty much most of the time. hahaha. i thank god ive changed! its hard to believe that that person use to be me. im definetly not the same person i was back then. hahaha. thank god. i guess u do get better with age. i dont know bout getting wiser but ive definetly gotten wider. hahaha.
soon, everyones gonna go down their own road. and nothing will ever be the same ever again. as much as we try to avoid it we all know its gonna happen sooner or later. change is just part of life i guess. our best friends now might not be tomorrow. thats wats weird bout it. i mean i have loads of friends i use to hang out with all the time but now i never see em. and i do miss them sometimes. but hey, ppl change. we just dont have anything in common i guess. but im happy to say that theyre are a few friends that have stuck with me from the start. and i am grateful for them.
eventhough we're all gonna go our own way, but hopefully, somewhere down the road, our lives meet up again :)
thanks for the memories guys. xoxo.
some old pics! hahaha. i just want to take this chance to say how much i appriciatte the people whove come in and out of my life. good and bad. without em i wouldnt be the person i am today. so thanks peeps :)
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
holidays baby
hey again peeps.
today was finally the last day of tests
always means holidays start now
im trying to figure out wat i shall do with myself this holiday
prob sit on my ass and get fat. haha.
today is his birthday
i havent said happy birthday yet...
ill do it laterrr... lets just say we arent exactly on good terms again
but its all good. im over it
and yeah we're just gonna stay friends. yeay. not.
well if ur reading this which u probarly arent.
happy birthday baby :) 2 years later and its not over yet!
well dats it... im like bored as hell. hahahaha.
oh yeah. BEATRICE has a boyfriend!!!! hahah :p
as ta la vista bloggers.
today was finally the last day of tests
always means holidays start now
im trying to figure out wat i shall do with myself this holiday
prob sit on my ass and get fat. haha.
today is his birthday
i havent said happy birthday yet...
ill do it laterrr... lets just say we arent exactly on good terms again
but its all good. im over it
and yeah we're just gonna stay friends. yeay. not.
well if ur reading this which u probarly arent.
happy birthday baby :) 2 years later and its not over yet!
well dats it... im like bored as hell. hahahaha.
oh yeah. BEATRICE has a boyfriend!!!! hahah :p
as ta la vista bloggers.
Monday, 3 March 2008
hey bastards and bitches.
i know its been ages and ages since ive blogged
but ive suddenly had this miracle feeling to blog
could it be im avoiding studying for sejarah?
ofcourse not. i would never ever do dat o:)
LOADS and LOADS has happened since my last post
i just havent had the time or energy to blog really.
dont get me wrong. that doesnt mean i have a life already
cause im still lifelesss.. just with school and everything.
if i have time to spare id rather watch tv or catch up on beauty sleep that i so lake of.
welll lets get started.
26th December 2007 - simone had a christmas / new years bash. got shit drunk with david, jerome, brandon and azif. did a few things i quite regret which will stay between us party goers. lol. but had a blast anyway! eventho it was cheap ass shit we were drinking. but booze is booze. same affect.

28th December 2007- got PMR results back. Got 5 As 3 Bs. not bad. kindda wat i expected but im happy with it.
31st December 2007- went to new years rave. got sexually harrassed. it wasnt as dramatic as it sounds. got shit wasted. bad hangover the next day. but still the best way to start a new year :)

3rd January 2008 - first day of school. Form 4 sucks btw. loads of pressure. but watever. school is school.
13th January 2008 - finally became an aunty. welcomed my niece Aleena. shes gorgeous btw.. look totally like me if i do say so myself :p love her to bits.

and blah blah blah. nothing else worth blogging about after day.
well last week was sports day. im like fucking burnt to the crisp! im so god damn tanned. as if i wwasnt dark enough. i might as well join some african tribe. lol. it was a horrible sports day tho. and its all HIS fault. yes we all know who HE is. my on and off again sorta kindda not really boyfriend of two years. his name is classified but im sure we all noe who im talking bout.
its a long story. but he ticked me off obviously. and he totally ignored me dat s.o.b. hahahaha. like he always does anyway. i dont know why i was so surprised. his done dat time and time again. but knowing me. i have anger management problems and i admit it. well he totally went over the line this time! like i mean i was suffferinggggggg. all kinds of shit was going through my head. he never really loved me at all. he was totally making a big huge ass outta me. ive been playing his stupid game all this time. its some kindda way of getting back at me. he was playing me for a fool and yada yada yada. i couldnt sleep , i couldnt eat, i couldnt do anythingg. that, i think was the first time ive felt that way really.. or maybe second.. not sure. but anyway, i think the reason it hurt so much was since we werent really "together" in that sense. it was going really good ya noe. like how it was beforeee.. i was really really falling for him all over again and i didnt even realise it. i was just in totally denial. i kept telling myself that it was all just for fun and no strings attached. WRONG.
The next day, once again he totally IGNORED me. like i mean totally! and he totally gave me the stink eye like loads of times! and its not like he was really far away from me either. he was sitting a few steps away and acting like i dont fucking exist. that was the worst kindda heartache ive ever felt. watching him sitting there not giving a damn shit about my existance looking all hot and adorable. "gag" i mean.. damn he is fine! and i was being all emo listening to my ipod real loud. listening to angry at the world songs. and being all quiet. which everyone knows is so not me. like duh! and i was totally being all stalker-ish. like looking at his every single move. like stalker much! i couldnt decide which was worst seeing him or not seeing him. i really hate wat ive become thanks to him. hes made me some kindda emo bitch who is like fucking paranoid and self concious and i so hate it! i really thought he was playing me for some kind of fool.
then ofcourse the very end of the second day he decides to talk to me. acting all innocent and shit. like wtf? i was totally pisseddd.. but the truth is. deep down all i wanted was for him to just LOOK at me. like even just look at me. cos i guess i knew if he didnt it would be so over and i didnt want to lose him eventho he is an ass hole. lol :S but he did beg... so dat was nice of him. but still
the hurt is still there... i mean he'll never understand how much that hurt mee... and now i dont even knoww if i trust him. if i ever can. seems like all he can do is talk. like ppl say if u cant walk the walk then dont talk the talk. lol. but yet. with one simple sad look and that smile that i loveee so much. he was forgiven. yes i am weak. i really dont learn. i know hes just gonna do it again and ill probarly just forgive him again. itll never end.. he's my ******. ill always have a soft spot for him. no matter how hard i fight it and how hard i try to convince myself dat its all bull shit. i know its true.. deep down its always true. and yeah i sound like some sappy love striken idiot.. and i hate that! god. hahahah.
if anyone i knew read this i would so have to like shoot myself. cos i sound so fucking gay. ahahhaahha
i just poured my heart and soul like never before to a fucking blog.
its so sad. its called having a hhugeee ego. no one can noe bout this! lol
but i guess now thats it.. hrmm.. feels better actually.
i better fucking study sejarah. or im gonna fucking fail.
a C would be good enough for me rite nowww.. hahaha
i dont know when will be the next time i blog
here as some pics of sports day btw. lolbut u know itll be worth the wait ;)
till then.
dyana <3
Friday, 23 November 2007
hey again..
i know what ur thinking. two blogs in a day.
its a first for sure..
but im just super bored.. feeling all emo and shits..
so since no ones online and i have no credit i decided
to pour my soul out to u blog, yes u. i know. ur honoured. lol
Have u ever thought rite..
if u could go back in time.. and tell urself everything u know now
like.. wat would u say?
or wat would u say to ur future self?
In my case.. id tell my pass self.. to stop eating.
and stop being so paranoid and dont always care so much
bout wat other ppl think.. cos at the end of the day it doesnt matter
wat they think..
id also tell myself to stop being such a bitch.. lol
be friends with everyone..
and not to mention pluck those eyebrows and get new clothes.!
but its over neway.. and i guess u live and u learn.
And as for my future self..
i guess id just say.. dont waste ur life away sitting on ur ass
u gotta get rich. ahahahahah
i wonder wat im gonna be like in 10 years
i hope im hot. like real hot. ahahahah
and i hope i dont age badly.. i beter be skinny to. i so dont
wanna be no obese fat chick. i hope im smart.. with a nice boyfee
and a pet dog named skittles..
well i can dream cant i? who noes? mayb itll come true some day :p
damn im emo.. but wat u gona do rite? life makes ppl emo
ahhahahahha.. once again. i cant wait to go to kl. :D
i know what ur thinking. two blogs in a day.
its a first for sure..
but im just super bored.. feeling all emo and shits..
so since no ones online and i have no credit i decided
to pour my soul out to u blog, yes u. i know. ur honoured. lol
Have u ever thought rite..
if u could go back in time.. and tell urself everything u know now
like.. wat would u say?
or wat would u say to ur future self?
In my case.. id tell my pass self.. to stop eating.
and stop being so paranoid and dont always care so much
bout wat other ppl think.. cos at the end of the day it doesnt matter
wat they think..
id also tell myself to stop being such a bitch.. lol
be friends with everyone..
and not to mention pluck those eyebrows and get new clothes.!
but its over neway.. and i guess u live and u learn.
And as for my future self..
i guess id just say.. dont waste ur life away sitting on ur ass
u gotta get rich. ahahahahah
i wonder wat im gonna be like in 10 years
i hope im hot. like real hot. ahahahah
and i hope i dont age badly.. i beter be skinny to. i so dont
wanna be no obese fat chick. i hope im smart.. with a nice boyfee
and a pet dog named skittles..
well i can dream cant i? who noes? mayb itll come true some day :p
damn im emo.. but wat u gona do rite? life makes ppl emo
ahhahahahha.. once again. i cant wait to go to kl. :D
long time no blog.
hey bloggers.
i know its been ages since ive blogged
and its not cos im busy or some shyt like that
its pretty much just because ive been in a anti-sosial
mood for quite some time now.
just incase ur wondering. NO nothing interesting has happened
do u wanna noe wat i do all day? its simple
i wake up, watch movies all day and eat my big fat ass of then sleep
and thats pretty much it everyday.
yes boring i know. im at the edge of sanity rite now
one more push and crazy land here i come.
but its all good. ill be in kl in 3 days.
i cant wait to go. just leave all my problems here
in this fucking place. cant wait..
im gonna make it my goal to have the best damn time of my life.
ive been thinking alot lately,
blogs are lies actually. everyone who blogs well not everyone
but most ppl. they go out and do exciting shit just for the sake of blogging
like theyll go on9 and say yeay i had the best time
but actually it was shit boring.. and i must say. im guilty of that too. so ppl
dont always believe everything u hear.
blogs is a place where u sort of let go of everything that ur thinking,
and hoping no ones gonna read it cos they gonna think u got some issues. lol
kind of wat im doing now. and yes ppl. i have issues.
boredome has taken its toll on my physce.
ive found out something recently. and after that i just felt so angry
and bitter. but after a nite of being tipsy.
i realised im wasting my time being all bitter bout it
cos he is not my problem nemore. yeay me.
3 days.. im outta here. good bye stinking miri.
and i sure as hell wont be missing you.
if anything ill be upset cos i hafta come back.
but its okay. ill cross that bridge when i come to it
im currently addicted to goo goo dolls - before its too late
i noe its an old song and all but i just heard it
and i lovessssss it.;
its all touching and shit.
my new fav song.
as for all the mother fuckers out there, have a good day :)
i might blog again in a few days or when im already in kl.
we'll seee. well asta lavista baby.
p.s my hear is pink now. muahaha. bye. xoxo.
i know its been ages since ive blogged
and its not cos im busy or some shyt like that
its pretty much just because ive been in a anti-sosial
mood for quite some time now.
just incase ur wondering. NO nothing interesting has happened
do u wanna noe wat i do all day? its simple
i wake up, watch movies all day and eat my big fat ass of then sleep
and thats pretty much it everyday.
yes boring i know. im at the edge of sanity rite now
one more push and crazy land here i come.
but its all good. ill be in kl in 3 days.
i cant wait to go. just leave all my problems here
in this fucking place. cant wait..
im gonna make it my goal to have the best damn time of my life.
ive been thinking alot lately,
blogs are lies actually. everyone who blogs well not everyone
but most ppl. they go out and do exciting shit just for the sake of blogging
like theyll go on9 and say yeay i had the best time
but actually it was shit boring.. and i must say. im guilty of that too. so ppl
dont always believe everything u hear.
blogs is a place where u sort of let go of everything that ur thinking,
and hoping no ones gonna read it cos they gonna think u got some issues. lol
kind of wat im doing now. and yes ppl. i have issues.
boredome has taken its toll on my physce.
ive found out something recently. and after that i just felt so angry
and bitter. but after a nite of being tipsy.
i realised im wasting my time being all bitter bout it
cos he is not my problem nemore. yeay me.
3 days.. im outta here. good bye stinking miri.
and i sure as hell wont be missing you.
if anything ill be upset cos i hafta come back.
but its okay. ill cross that bridge when i come to it
im currently addicted to goo goo dolls - before its too late
i noe its an old song and all but i just heard it
and i lovessssss it.;
its all touching and shit.
my new fav song.
as for all the mother fuckers out there, have a good day :)
i might blog again in a few days or when im already in kl.
we'll seee. well asta lavista baby.
p.s my hear is pink now. muahaha. bye. xoxo.
is the one that could save
A life you dont live is still lost
so stand on the edge with me
Hold back your fear and see
Nothing is real till its gone."
- goo goo dolls.
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