Monday, 17 September 2007

the begining.

hey everyone!!

dyana has come into the life of blogging.

im not usually a very dedicated blogger.

i have loads and loads of blogs. just keep forgetting to use em.

but i just thought i need a healthy way to express my feelings

which sort of tells you i have lots of issues. trust me. lots.

i was actually gonna start after pmr was over.

but im like wat the heck. lifes to short.

so i think im gonna start by telling everyone a lil bit bout my life

first of all. my life sucks ass :)

its not interesting. just full of drama drama.

it seems the whole world is out to get me. and i noe lots of teenagers feel that way.

but i seriously think its true in my case.

everything just seems to go terribly wrong for me.

i cant do anything right. and ppl around me just keep fucking everything up.

like theyre pushing and pushing till im just gonna break.

and i honestly dont think its my fault . i think its everyone elses fault. lol.

but its okay. and i noe wat ur thinking. lots of ppl have it way worse than i do and all dat. but news flash! i aint other ppl. and yeah i feel sorry for em and all but it isnt my crap to deal with. i have enough thank u very much!

few years. im gonna be free. everything i do will be on my own term. and ill leave everything. and itll all be okay. life will be good again. its all i want .

Freedome is just so hard to get these days...

1 comment:

Gituen said...

wohho dyana way to be emo !